Singing Guide: Irish Folk Song

Singing Guide: Irish Folk Song

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're interested in singing like an Irish folk artist, you're in for a treat because Irish folk music has a rich history and culture. Irish folk singers are known for their storytelling style of singing and emotional delivery. If you want to learn how to sing like an Irish folk artist, here's what you should do.

  1. Choose your favorite Irish Folk Singer:

    There are so many great Irish folk singers to choose from, including Christy Moore, The Dubliners, and Sinead O'Connor. Choosing your favorite singer will give you a solid understanding of what makes their singing style unique.

  2. Practice Breathing Control:

    Breathing is an essential component of singing like an Irish folk singer. A relaxed and steady breath control will support you to deliver an emotional and compelling vocal. Check out the active and passive breathing article for tips on how to control your breath while singing

  3. Develop a Strong Vocal Foundation:

    It’s essential to develop a foundation of proper vocal technique. This foundation includes breathing, posture, and proper support for your voice. Visit the Singing Carrots' breath support and how posture affects your singing article to learn more.

  4. Work On Your Vibrato:

    Irish Folk music heavily relies on vibrato. Vibrato is the fluctuation of pitch in your singing voice, and it’s crucial to give musical character to your singing voice. The trick to vibrato is to find your balance and comfortability. Try out the singing with vibrato article and practice along with the examples.

  5. Learn Irish Influence Vocal Techniques:

    Irish folk singing techniques include ornamentation, particularly in the form of melodic variation (trills, rolls, grace notes, etc.). The ornamentation on the melody gives life to the song and showcases the singer's emotional depth. Visit articulation to learn about ornamenting melodies and the Finger bite exercise, showing how to use the articulatory muscles.

  6. Practice Your Pitch Accuracy:

    Pitch accuracy is crucial to sing Irish folk music. You can test and improve your pitch accuracy by utilizing our pitch accuracy test and pitch training tools. There are also lessons covering different vocal techniques available on Singing Carrots, including Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting, and Vocal distortion & Growling.

  7. Work On Your Diction:

    In Irish folk music, the words and their emotional impact carry great importance. Understanding the nuances of the Irish language is fascinating, and you'll be surprised at how much it will enhance your singing. 'Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking' article will provide you with some insight.

  8. Practice and Learn Irish Folk Songs:

    The best way to become an expert in singing like an Irish folk artist is by learning Irish folk songs. Singing Carrots provides an extensive database of Irish folk songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, which you can customize to make your own songbook.

The most critical aspect of singing like an Irish folk artist is to be confident, tell the story, and be in the moment while singing. By incorporating the practical advice mentioned above and using the Singing Carrots resources, you’re well on your way to singing like an Irish folk artist. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.